


Pēpe & Māmā

(Baby & Mum)


Well Wairarapa - Better health for all

Pēpe Ora provides information to help you find the right services for you and your baby in the Wairarapa, from pregnancy to before school.

PlunketLine 0800 933 922

SmartStart provides step-by-step information and support to help you access the right services for you and your baby.

The Well Child Tamariki Ora team works with families and whānau to help give children/tamariki aged 0-3 years the very best start in life

Health Ed is a catalogue of free health resources brought to you by the Health Promotion Agency (HPA) and the Ministry of Health.

Annual Reports

Wairarapa Maternity Unit Video Tour

Wairarapa Maternity Unit Education Channel Video

  • Contact Us

    Please note this form is for general enquiries only. In an emergency contact your LMC or dial 111. This service is only monitored during office hours (8am - 5.30pm)